About Rescue
We believe that humans made a pact with our pets when we domesticated them.
In exchange for their loyalty and love, we would provide safe and loving homes for them, for their entire lives.
Tragically, many humans do not live up to their part of the bargain.
The number of abandoned and abused poodles is on the rise at an alarming rate. In Florida, nearly 800,000 homeless cats and dogs are euthanized every year. (For accurate details, see the Florida Plate for Paws web site.) Please Let Me Play Once Before I Die
Rescue, then, is a significant factor in the solution to this shocking crisis. As much as humanly possible, our goal is to make excellent matches for the happiness of both two-legged and four-legged creatures!

The Rescue Process
- We learn about poodles needing rescue through local animal shelters, groomers, veterinarians and individuals.
- The poodle is picked up and, if its health record is unknown, taken to a veterinarian to be brought up to date on shots.
- The dog is also spayed or neutered if needed. Often dogs require a de-worming medication as well as vaccinations, flea prevention and heartworm prevention. Each are microchipped.
- Then we use whatever information we have about the dog to place it in the most appropriate available foster home.
- The foster volunteer cares for the dog, taking it to the vet when needed, helping to restore the dog to health, whether its needs were emotional or physical. Most of our dogs are injured both emotionally and physically from the effects of abuse and neglect.
- While in foster care, the volunteer comes to love, know and understand the dog, and assists in the placement process to find the best possible home for that dog's individual needs.
- Coastal Poodle carefully screens all prospective owners to ensure the dogs will have caring and responsible homes. Personality, age, temperament and size are matched to prospective owners to ensure the adoption is permanent. After all, our dogs have already suffered rejection at the hands of at least one prior owner.